Well, here is my first official post for NaBloPoMo... welcome also to fellow Thursday Thirteeners! For those of you expecting a Halloweeen theme, well, I wrote this instead, and will probably post last night's happenings to my farm blog. When I'm done here, I have to go sign up for four more reading challenges: 2nds Challenge, Book Awards Challenge, Book to Movie Challenge, and the Armchair Traveler Challenge. I'm coming late to a few of them, and will probably not be eligible for their prizes, but I'm going to give it my best shot anyway.
The reason I'm doing this particular list, I'm planning on signing up for the Series Challenge next month, so I wanted to get a handle on which ones I can finish off the soonest while I'm tracking down or reserving copies of those series that I'm way behind on reading. So, on to the list! [in approximate order of completion]
1. Jeff Abbot's Jordan Poteet Library mysteries: this is a small one, and I have the last of 4 on my shelf.
2. Diane Mott Davidson's Goldy Bear Catering mysteries: I her latest in my queue of audio rentals, unless I stumble upon a free library copy).
3. Earlene Fowler's Benni Harper quilt mysteries: Tumbling Blocks is her latest, I'll have to hunt a copy down from somewhere.
4. Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum mysteries: I have Twelve Sharp on the shelf, and I'll probably borrow the next from the library.
5. Sarah Shankman's Samantha Adams mysteries: I have two remaining of 7, both of them on my shelf... somewhere.
6. Sue Grafton's Kinsey Millhone Alphabet mysteries: I have "S" is for Silence on the shelf, and she's releasing "T" is for Trespass in early December.
7. Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon fantasies: I have Priestess (on shelf) and Ancestors (loaned out to a friend). The last one of this series was finished by another author, so I hope I can still count these.
8. Susan Witting Albert's China Bayles herbal mysteries: I have 3 more to read before I'm current. I have the next one on my shelf, and the one after that on audio.
9. Carole Nelson Douglas's Midnight Louie/Vegas mysteries: I need to read N,O,P,Q, and R. I think I have the first 2 or 3 on the shelf.
10. Tim Cockey's Hitchcock Sewell undertaker mysteries: He's written 6 so far, I need to read the from the second one on.
11. Anne George' Southern Sisters mysteries: The author passed several years ago, so there will be no more after the 8th book. I need to read from #3 on.
12. Nevada Barr's Anna Pigeon mysteries: She's published 13 so far, I need to start #5 (Endangered Species--should be on the shelf).
13. Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake horror/mysteries: Next up is Killing Dance, then 15 more (at last count).
There's more that I have to plow through (like my Amanda Peabody's, and Sharyn McCrumb's, and Lise McClendon's), but these 13 were the handiest.
Off to get signed up for more challenges, and to flesh out some of the 6 reviews I rushed through to meet yesterday's midnight deadline (for the R.I.P. Challenge), and possibly to watch Heroes, Journeyman, and Bionic Woman while my son naps. Happy Thursday to everyone!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Sleeping Mommy lists her favorite things about the fall season.
2. pussreboots shares her thoughts about NaNoWriMo.
3. (leave the link to your T13 in comments, I'll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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I miss reading for pleasure....sigh.
Loved Mists of Avalon but haven't read the others in the series.
Happy TT! And good luck with NaBloPowhatever month. I joined it today and haven't a clue what its called!
Thanks for replying! The long version of the name is National Blog Posting Month, it was inspired by NaNoWriMo. I joined because I really needed an accountable goal to work toward, and I knew I'd never manage a novel with a toddler and farm.
I've been avoiding books in series because I hate the stress of "needing to catch up." Happy TT.
I hear you, pussreboots; I guess I don't feel the stress so much as I want to follow the storyline and check in with my favorite characters.
And part of it is the OCD need for completion; there are so many "parts" of my life where I can't say "I'm done!", it's good for me to have this little bit, so I don't become completely unhinged.
Thanks for stopping by!
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