These are the titles I've chosen from my stacks. I have until June 30, 2008 to finish these:
1. Possession, Byatt (Booker)
2. Angela's Ashes, McCourt (Pulitzer)
3. Bel Canto, Patchett (Faulner/Pen)
4. She Walks These Hills, McCrumb (Agatha)
5. Guns, Germs, and Steel, Diamond (?)
6. Turtle Moon, Hoffman (Hammett)
7. On Writing, S. King (Stoker NF)
8. Lovedeath, Simmons (Stoker coll)
9. Strange Files of Fremont Jones, Day (Macavity)
10. Uses of Enchantment, Bettelheim (National Book Award)
11. Love Medicine, Erdich (National Book Award)
12. Thousand Acres, Smiley (Pulitzer)
Deja Dead, Kathy Reichs (Arthur Ellis)
Age of Innocence (Pulitzer)
I think I did a pretty good job of mixing genres and prizes, so hopefully this list will not burn me out.
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