Friday, November 9, 2007

A lazy day for books...

I spent the earlier part of my day preparing my son for public consumption (fed, bathed, dressed, diapered and packed for a 2-hour drive and visit with his grandparents), and about two minutes doing a Home-Alone-Kevin-frenzied-freedom-scamper-around-the-house-dance. Then I applied myself to some chores, and some tv-watching (bonus--only Friday Night Lights to catch up with this weekend--maybe I'll finally get the chance to watch a few episodes of Weeds and get a new dvd from Netflix next week). While I was doing said chores, I was able to get through a few chapters of Puss 'n' Cahoots (Rita Mae Brown )via my iPod. Best!Present!Ever!

Today was supposed to be Fantasy Friday--I want to get through my huge backlog of fantasy novel reviews by doing at least 4 per month (regardless of whether I'm currently reading any)--but I'm not exactly in a state to knock one out in the next 20 minutes. So, my last write-up for Saturday's sessions at the Texas Book festival will have to wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow is also supposed to be a post for Saturday Review of Books, but I'll have to see what kind of slave-driving mood my husband is in.

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