Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mid-Event Survey

Kids are finally in bed, and now it's time to do a little posting and online catch-up before the next reading block. I didn't get as far as I wanted the last time I had a book open, but I hope to remedy that with a later bedtime.

1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired? I'm mellow from dinner and a glass of wine, but hope to perk up at the next stretch break. I hope it isn't raining too hard when that happens.

2) What have you finished reading? I haven't finished anything yet. Hoping to get through Mirror, Mirror by midnight, but I won't be upset if I need to continue with my audiobook instead.

3) What is your favorite read so far? I'm really enjoying The Graveyard Book. It's a read-along, so I have to wait until next week to continue.

4) What about your favorite snacks? I haven't really been snacking; my schedule has allowed/enforced regular meals. I did bring home some strawberry twizzlers, so I might have a few of those later. If I do an audiobook break, I have some kettle corn ready to go.

5) Have you found any new blogs through the readathon? If so, give them some love! I haven't done much real visiting yet, just enough for some of the mini-challenges. Visiting and commenting might be the last thing I do before I give in and crash on the couch.

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